Why I'm Running

There are many critical issues facing the state & local governments.

I’ve highlighted three areas that were voiced to me by the people of House District 45.

If there are additional issues that are important to you, I want to know and welcome your input!

I am there to be your advocate in the Utah Legislature.



The American system formed from the principle of limited government is one of the most significant accomplishments in the history of the world. Government exists and serves at the will of the people. I pledge to you to fight for limited government and keeping our God-given rights of personal freedom.



We need limited taxation to support limited government and its essential public functions. We should adhere to the principles that taxation should be equitable, simple, and minimal. We need government leaders that encourage free ... enterprise and private initiatives to strengthen and grow our economy.



Our priority should focus on empowering parents, teachers and students. Education is a state and local responsibility. Teachers need the flexibility to succeed with their students and classes. Likewise every student should be able to choose a school or education platform that best suits their learning needs.